Hearing Aids

We carry a wide range of hearing aid technology to help you hear better.

Happy family in the garden in Hemphill, TX

Hearing Aids at Hearing Solutions

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As an independent audiology practice, we are loyal to our patients, not to any hearing aid manufacturer. That means we’re able to prescribe hearing aids with our patients’ needs in mind above all else. There are six major hearing aid brands available on the market today – Oticon, Starkey, ReSound, Signia, Widex, and Phonak – and we are familiar with models from all of them, although there are certain brands and technologies that we and our patients are consistently the most satisfied with.

We work with every patient to make sure that our hearing aid recommendations address their concerns and their hearing aids. If you have existing hearing aids from another audiologist or dispenser, we can help with repairs or programming regardless of the brand or model.
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Our Favorite Hearing Aid Manufacturers

While we offer hearing aids from other manufacturers, recently we’ve been impressed by the hearing aid models and technology from Oticon, ReSound, and Starkey. Oticon hearing aids, such as the Opn and More, have made a huge difference for our patients. The sound quality is excellent, patients can hear and understand in noisy situations, the hearing aids seldom need repairs, and people have an easy time operating them. We also find that ReSound and Starkey are reliable and high-quality, and if we have questions, these companies are especially good at responding to us and making sure we can help our patients.

On a technology level, Oticon and ReSound are the top of the line at offering Bluetooth connectivity and rechargeable batteries, both of which are becoming must have features for our patients. Widex and Signia are the best for patients who have unaidable hearing on one side; previously, we had limited ability to help these patients, but new technology has opened up amazing possibilities for them.

Choosing the Right Hearing Aids

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Choosing hearing aids depends on the severity and type of your hearing loss, as well as your lifestyle. Most patients fit one of four lifestyle categories, which we use to help us better understand each patient’s needs.

Optimum flexibility and performance in a broad range of demanding environments and high levels of background noise.

  • Frequently attends parties or social gatherings, outdoor events, workplace meetings.
  • Converses over meals with family and friends in noisy environments.
  • Spends time out at the theater, a movie, or place of worship.
  • Watches television at home.
  • Engages in one-on-one conversations in quieter environments.
  • Stays active outdoors.
  • Sometimes relaxes or reads a book at home.

Excellent flexibility and performance in a variety of listening environments with moderate levels of background noise.

  • Takes part in workplace meetings.
  • Converses over meals with family and friends in noisy environments.
  • Spends time out at the theater, a movie, or place of worship.
  • Watches television at home.
  • Engages in one-on-one conversations in quieter environments.
  • Stays active outdoors.
  • Sometimes relaxes or reads a book at home.

Good performance in quieter environments with minimal-to-moderate levels of background noise.

  • Converses over meals with family and friends in noisy environments.
  • Watches television at home.
  • Engages in one-on-one conversations in quieter environments.
  • Spends time outdoors.
  • Sometimes relaxes or reads a book at home.

Appropriate performance for communicating in mostly quiet environments, where background noise is minimal.

  • Watches television at home.
  • Engages in one-on-one conversations in quieter environments.
  • Spends time outdoors.
  • Relaxes or reads a book at home.

The most popular type of hearing aid is the receiver-in-canal model, which keeps its technology behind your ear and places the receiver down close to the eardrum with a little wire. These hearing aids give less feedback with higher levels of power, better audio clarity, and a physically open feeling in your ear.

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Repair and Maintenance of Hearing Aids

When it comes to taking care of hearing aids, the two most important things are to keep them clean and dry. We’ll show you how to clean any wax and dirt off your hearing aids. You’ll need to clean them daily for their best performance. Moisture can be very damaging for hearing aids, so make sure to never wear yours in the pool or in the shower, and don’t store them overnight in a humid place, like the bathroom. Also, keep your hearing aids away from pets; dogs in particular love to chew on them.

We recommend that patients come in at least every three months so we can check and clean their hearing aids. We have a machine that can remove moisture build-up from hearing aids, which is especially important in a humid area like ours.

Changing Hearing Aid Batteries

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In order to get the most out of your hearing aids, you’ll need to change the batteries regularly. How often depends on the size of the batteries, how many hours a day you wear your hearing aids, and how much power is needed for your level of amplification. Most hearing aids come with devices that make it easier to remove the old hearing aid battery and insert a new one, and modern hearing aids give an alert if your batteries are running low.

One of the best new technologies is rechargeable batteries, which is a perfect fit for patients who might have difficulty replacing batteries themselves due to dexterity or vision problems. With rechargeable hearing aids, you just plug them in overnight and they’ll be ready to go in the morning.

Featured Technology

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Oticon Intent™​

Facing the daily challenge of hearing conversations in noisy environments can be difficult for individuals with hearing loss. Traditional hearing aids understand sound, but not you. Oticon Intent™ is the first hearing aid that understands what you want to listen to.

Using revolutionary BrainHearing™ technology, Oticon Intent™ uses your movements, the environment, and the conversation around you to recognize what you want and need to listen to, adapting seamlessly to deliver truly personalized support. With Bluetooth connectivity and rechargeable power, Oticon Intent™ offers life-changing benefits.*
Benefits of Oticon Intent™:

*Expected use time for rechargeable battery depends on use pattern, active feature set, hearing loss, sound environments, battery age and wireless accessories.

Oticon Intent hearing aids
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